The Secret of Good Cookery

Good cookery is built on two wide foundations:

  1. A sound understanding of basic recipes and methods of cooking
  2. A lot of enjoyment and imagination

Without the first no one can be a good versatile cook.
Time is well spent in learning and remembering a few basic recipes and in understanding exactly how to cook them.
When the foundations are secure an infinite variety of new dishes may be built on them you may experiment extend the range of your menus invent new dishes and be sure of success.
If you wish to share in the real joy and satisfaction of cooking then study these basic recipes get to know them well and soon you will find that you can build from them all sorts of new and delightful dishes.
You can invent your own dishes build them to your own designs give them new and exciting names and be certain that they will turn out well.
Build up your own reputation as a good cook on these sure foundations:

  1. Use imagination and enterprise in combining new ingredients trying new flavors and serving in attractive ways
  2. Let your kitchen be a studio of ideas with an artist at work among the food stuffs there will be no failures if every new dish is built around basic recipes and principles

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