Love flowers and pet, specifically pet, ponies and you may cats

Love flowers and pet, specifically pet, ponies and you may cats

low-fix, low-character, hunter away from comfort, peace, + equanimity; inhabit attraction, wonderment, prefer, gratitude; detail-dependent, obsessively clean, shoe-100 % free family, arranged, clutter-100 % free, minimalist; form, patient, compassionate, really considerate, sincere, well-mannered, introverted-extrovert, really friendly; self-sufficient; all-natural produce, eco-environmentally friendly & animal/cruelty-free individual care and attention + household items; ayurvedic life; my personal pilates practice is totally off of the mat; loyal; well-traveled (love development nations), voracious reader, lifeless laughs, strive for truthful communication; mindful, walking quietly with the world, really environmentally-aware, frustrated recycler; warm are my optimum topography; antipathy so you can agents scent – scent, perfume, laundry detergents, etc; characteristics, movement, + wit is actually medication; love swimming inside the warm, exotic waters; passionate about amazing dinner + cracking bread w/ friends; are of recommendations/service, a week voluntary commitments; stellar sunsets, staying in characteristics; most comfortable + linked close to the water; intensive examination of buddhadharma; today moved on to the dao + qi degree.

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