This was published in 2018 in the Journal of Sex Research
Jase: I did bring it up a little bit in the comments section when we took a little break, but that wasn’t the core focus of it, so I didn’t want to completely derail it for that, but yes, I did try to bring it up to be like, Hey, I’m having a problem with some of the ways you’re talking about gender here.
Dedeker: The researchers were curious to understand if there’s a relationship between engaging in infidelity and the development of adulthood
Emily: Yes. Well, all right. I think the question is, why do people cheat? Because I think many of us have been in a situation where this comes up or we’re around people who have cheated. It is prevalent in our society. We wanted to look at some reasons why people cheat and then also are the reasons why non monogamous people cheat similar to those in traditional relationships?
Just a little side note, we did an episode not too long ago on identity and relationships which was episode 330, and there’s an article that provides an interesting tie-in to some of the themes that we discuss on that episode and then additionally, the study and this article that we’re about to talk about, there were a bunch of questions and discussions and theories posed regarding attachment styles. We’ve talked about that a lot, most recently with Jessica Fern, the author of Polysecure on episode 291. You can go back and listen to those if you want to dive deeper into those specific subjects but right now, we’re going to talk about something from betrayals in emerging adulthood, a developmental perspective of infidelity.
Jase: Yes. This is a team of psychologists at the University of Tennessee. Did a mixed method study, examining both written narrative, as well as survey responses of 104 “emerging adults”, which is something about that euphemism like–
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