Statistics You must know In the Syrian Feminine

Statistics You must know In the Syrian Feminine

Because of the tricky societal stereotypes, this type of fearless women can be working to attain deeper liberty and you can profits every single day. It’s its inspiring so you can witness Syrian women’s power and you will strength even in these trying minutes.

  • Syrian women comprise almost 1 / 2 of the complete Syrian people, constituting an astounding forty-eight%.
  • Syrian feminine deal with collection of barriers within community, of guidelines you to definitely curtail their independence to help you limitations on entering the political stadium.
  • An unbelievable 66% of females anywhere between 15–31 years of age is illiterate, which is significantly greater than the interest rate one of dudes on the same age bracket (44%).
  • The actual fact that women account fully for 1 / 2 of the global society, simply a 3rd of these have access to increased medical care throughout the pregnancy and just after beginning.

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