AdsEmpire is a reliable affiliate network with exclusive dating offers from direct advertisers, in-house Smartlink solutions, and global GEO coverage
Top ranked traffic sources for dating
Expanding its user base is one of the biggest obstacles for any online dating website, and that’s why most dating websites have affiliate s.
Like the Nutra industry, online shopping, and lead generation, the dating industry is expected to be around for quite some time, because of factors like the vast amounts of traffic and the availability of converting GEOs. The top sources for dating traffic include:
In terms of both traffic conversion and brand development, reviews are invaluable. An honest appraisal of the most widely used review sites may do wonders for your dating site. As much as 89% of daters place more confidence in other users’ experiences than in any claims made by the dating website itself. Consequently, if you master the art of using reviews for dating traffic, your clients will basically perform your marketing for you. That beats any innovative ad text or marketing material you could create.
PPC (Pay Per Click) advertising
One of the most brilliant strategies for attracting new users to your dating site is to use pay-per-click (PPC) marketing. Google Ads is the backbone of pay-per-click advertising, and PPC involves bidding a specific price per click on search advertisements you’ve created using keywords from Google Ads. With PPC, you pay for the attention your dating website gets.
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