Introduction to React-Redux
Redux is one of the hottest libraries in front-end development these days. However, many people are confused about what it is and what its benefits are. Before you start learning Redux, make sure you know the basics of React.
- Sometimes this can be solved by “lifting state up” to parent components, but that doesn’t always help.
- The handleSubmit function uses the useState() and useDispact() hooks along with the login reducer to make an active user’s email address available in the Redux store.
- We can see here that there are three reducer functions, and that corresponds to the three different action types that were dispatched by clicking the different buttons.
- We’ll take the cart component which displays the number of items in a user’s cart.
Middleware can change the actions, create more actions, etc. This means it can flow singly only not going to reverse order is possible. Also, it maintains the flow of data in a very efficient manner.
What is Redux’s Impact and Future?
💡 state refers to the object that holds the application data that is shared between components. This is because React was designed with the concept of states and lifecycles. And in React, state can also not be modified directly, it can only be done via the function setState. This makes it easier for Redux concepts to be applied because they share they same understanding and behavior of a state object. One simple answer to this question is you will realize for yourself when you need Redux. If you’re still confused as to whether you need it, you don’t.
In this case, using a common store that wraps all the components makes total sense, and you might consider Redux. Understanding these three core concepts of Redux is key to using Redux effectively in your application. It’s more opinionated with its predictable way of managing state, both a plus and a minus depending on your needs. The lack of flexibility might help prevent bugs, but could also be a disadvantage in certain situations.
What Makes Redux Predictable?
Your React application wouldn’t know that the Redux store exists without the provider component, which comes from the React-Redux binding library. The provider component takes a single prop (the store) and wraps itself around the React app, making the Redux store globally accessible. There’s a lot to unpack in the code above, but the best place to start is with the configureStore function. Immediately you’ll start to see the benefits of installing the Redux Toolkit library as the configureStore function creates the Redux store with just three lines of code. React, like most front-end frameworks, has an entry point in its applications, which is a file or group of files at the top level. The index.html and index.js files are two files that are at the top level of a React app, which is above the App.js file and all the components in the app.
The project has been created using the official Redux template for Create-React-App. As you can see in the example above, the component does not need to provide any state or method for its children components to share data among themselves. This greatly simplifies the app and makes it easier to maintain. what is redux for Technically, middleware are functions that call the next method received in an argument after processing the current action. Simply put, Redux is used to maintain and update data across your applications for multiple components to share, all while remaining independent of the components.